Why is rape such a secret?


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This is a question I ask myself everyday. Looking at some of the facts like how there are more then 900,000 sexual assaults a year. Rape costs the economy 127 billion dollars annually but still this crime is so under wraps. Are people afraid to speak on this subject? Are we just not aware enough to bring attention to it? A crime that changes lives forever should gain much more notarization. In this male dominated society one can only wonder if men are hiding the true realities of this crime. 98% of perpertrators are male. What will make the difference you ask? In my eyes educating men on this subject and making them more aware of what is so prevalent in this world today. RAPE IS A CRIME and that needs to be said. In this economy of lies and deceit even the most basic facts need to be re-stated over and over again. On top of prevention education there needs to be re-education on how the crime of sexual assault effects the world. This world is divided into many cultures and secret societies and there need to be an educator in each one of those groups relaying this message by relating to actual situations and experiences of that society. Women have been doing this for years, there are thousands of womens groups, foundations and organizations that come together to support one another. At what point do men get together and support one another on more then just sports, beer and sex. More programs like Athletes For Rape Prevention and Man Up need to be on the frontlines of this movement. If we can INCREASE the  knowledge, we can decrease the crime.  Just my thoughts!

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